Sunday, March 21, 2010


I got so distracted today I forgot to gloat! I just put on a pair of pants this A.M. that haven't fit in forever! I have shrunk a size! It is official. I was so excited (I absolutely love these jeans...) that I jumped a few times and ran around in excitement (Hope I didn't wake my landlords). They used to fit TIGHT with a muffin top. Not anymore! WOO! And they still make my butt look great ;-) Unfortunately, they're a little loose... Ugh, I need better belts...


  1. Congratulations!! You should declare them "Victory Pants" from now on :)

  2. Congrats!! My turn next, eh? haha. Must go to the gym tomorrow. What have you been doing to keep in shape? Any tips to losing weight?

  3. Thanks so much guys! I feel great! :-)

  4. What a great feeling! YAY!
