Thursday, October 27, 2011


I love this picture. It makes me happy.
A cute little yarn-headed pirate!

Why am I sharing this picture? Well, there are two reasons: 1) Halloween is days away and 2) I'm finally knitting again. I hadn't knit since we went to Stitch n Pitch on September 11. Thats over a month.  I don't think I've gone that long without knitting since I started knitting again.

That might sound silly, but I love to knit. I typically pick non-simple patterns but I find knitting relaxing.  Its my go to time killer.  I could knit all day if I was able to, so to go almost 7 weeks without knitting was crazy!

I've been so stressed with this Calculus 2 class that I have done little else as far as free time is concerned. Although, thats a lie... I did read a book over the course of a couple weeks. but that was it and I AM in a book club... I had to read it. Anyway, I've gone to Stitch & Bitch twice since and both times left my knitting in my car because I didn't have the heart to knit. Lame or what?!

Anyway, we all have something that helps relax us and makes us happy! Knitting is one of mine, and I'm so glad I have it back! (Besides the fact I have to hurry up and finish a project!)

Do you have something that helps you relax?

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